A Note from Tyler – John’s Son:
I never knew my biological mother. She died that day on the helicopter. My father, John, wrote this book many years ago. I have been unable to find anything beyond chapter 30. He never talked about what happened in the early days of Z day, and he had never told me exactly how she died.
He was 68 years old when he passed, and I came across this manuscript, resting in an old metal case buried in the back of his closet.
Since his death, I feel that it’s more important now than ever that I publish the story – to remind us all what we were like in those early days. What man fell to, in the chaos that Z Day created.
I see the world on the tipping point of falling back into many of the same bad habits, and same bad behaviors that led to all of this. My hope is that this story will remind us of where we’ve come from and give us all some idea of how to fix it.
I’ve grown up in a world where the dead walk amongst us as part of life. I’ve not known anything different.
I remember Kyle from when I was a child. He was my father’s best friend, and like a second Dad to me. I will always remember him fondly.
The world we live in today is much different from the world that people lived in before Z Day. We live behind fences, and we don’t burry our dead. My father died of old age, and was cremated after having a spike driven through his head. While this may sound barbaric to those who would have lived in a world without the Zs, this is commonplace practice today.
John. My father, John, would go on to be a great man. His story, and Kyle’s for that matter, certainly does not end here. They both went on to impact so many people.
However, that is a story for another day.
This is S. Johnathan Davis, and I would like to personally thank you for taking the time to read 900 Miles. As a self-proclaimed Zombie Geek, I genuinely hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I had fun writing it!
As an emerging author, we live an breath based on feedback from people just like you. If you enjoyed the book, it would be wonderful if you would take a few minutes to write a review on Amazon by clicking here.
If you’re interested in the sequel to 900 Miles – Titled: 900 Minutes, you can learn about it on Amazon by Clicking Here.
Finally, thank you so very much for the support. It’s been an amazing ride. I hope to keep it up, and your comments and feedback are what make this journey exciting!
S. Johnathan Davis
P.S. Don’t be afraid to drop me a line using the “Contact” page. I’d love to hear directly from you!
Hello I thoroughly enjoyed 900 miles.Not only was it a great zombie read but an interesting commentary on business,greed and human nature.
Thoroughly enjoyed the book ! Please do a sequel soon so we can know what happened to Kyle and John after landing.
Fantastic read! I am a Zombie story fan and I could not put this down. Well done and please get that next book going. Good luck and take care.
Great story…from the book AND this “note from Tyler”. I can’t wait for the sequel.
Very well done, S. Davis. Outstanding first effort, really
I loved it!!!!!!!!! If you don’t. Write the other book I will go thrum withdrawals. KIDDING I really look forward to your next book.
Very much enjoyed the book, was sad how it ended but glad you added the note from Tyler. Keep the story going….
Great read…I read it in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down. There are definitely some story lines that can be expanded upon. Tyler’s note was a nice addition. Happy to know John, the baby and Kyle made it off the chopper. Looking forward hearing the stories within the story as well a sequel.
Great read, looking forward to the sequel!
This book was great, as an avid zombie reader this was brilliant every line had you hooked!! Can’t wait for the sequel!
Great read, demolished in under a day. Looking forward to the sequel.
I like how you were able to write a good strong story that was more than a series of zombie fights strung together (as so many lesser zombie books are). Main character was well developed and likable. I want to learn more about Kyle and Jarvis. Can’t stress it enough that long descriptive passages detailing fights with zombies gets quickly boring but you were able to walk the fine line and I didn’t skip a word. Looking forward to the next book.
Cant wait for the sequel…great read!! If not a sequel any other zombie novel you write!!
Looking forward to the sequel. Besides sone editing errors, which you learn to overlook, this was a well thought out story. I finished it in under 3 hours, so if you ever want a beta reader……
I’m with Kathryn. Great story, plot, and characters, overall, but it could use a lot of editing/proofreading help. I’m begrudgingly getting accustomed to seeing tons of grammatical errors on stories posted on websites, especially with the world we live in today where people seem to pay so little attention to the quality of communication anymore. Seeing it in an example where there is an actual publisher involved, though, and where a product has been put up for sale ,is really disappointing. I recognize grammar and spelling aren’t everyone’s strong suit, but you have such a well crafted story, that it’s a shame to not see it receive the final polish it deserves.
I’d also be happy to offer my proofreading services, as I’m very excited to read the sequel as well.
I’ve read a plethora of zombie books and I glad to say your is up there with the best. I look forward to reading your future endeavors. Keep up the good work.
Good read (agree with Kathryn). Thomas’s right too – that final polish is missing. Looking forward to the sequel if it’s a few decades ahead. Would like to read about your ideas of a future world with the Z’s and how imaginative you could be…
Excellent book! Characters that a reader will feel that they know and want to know more about. Truthfully, I don’t know if this is in print or if I grabbed it off of Amazon as an ebook. If not in print, let me suggest a little more content and more “letters from John” to keep your fans interested until you finish you next book.
While I agree with another person who posted about grammar and misspellings, my humble opinion is that errors are acceptable if not expected in a book written in a first person journal manner. Especially if the writer is in fear of being eaten. Best of luck with your future writings and REALLY hope to read more.
Great work in this genre. This could be a stand alone work, but would enjoy a second helping. Tyler’s Note was a nice epilgue at the end. The Avalon setting and Circus Maximus story line really sets this book apart.
I loved this book!! Characters were awesome. Didn’t want it to finish. Read it in 4 days on my commute to work. Can’t wait for the next one!!
I am an avid reader and I read all kinds of stories, currently I am in a zombie state of mind and I totally enjoyed your story, looking forward to the sequel, good job.
GREAT story!! I had read the preview at Amazon.com and had to know how the story ended. I didn’t have any plans for New Year’s eve and wanted a good zombie book to pass the time. I couldn’t put it down and finished it in 4 hours. It would make a great movie. Great characterization, plot and dialogue. It was like I was there watching it happen. Can’t wait for the sequel. Happy New Year!
Wonderful story. Hope you write a book about Tyler’s life in a zombie filled world.
First zombie book I’ve ever read. Excellent! Will definitely read more by you and this is from a romance book reader. I didn’t notice anything wrong w/this book story just had me!
I liked the book but I agree with the other comments about the errors. Everyone is different of course, but I personally find spelling and grammar errors extremely distracting. The material deserves a polished delivery. Good luck with your future efforts!
Just finished reading your book and loved it! The ending was great! Thanks for a great read. If you plan to do a sequel I would base it on Tyler with a little backdrop in his upbringing, but make the plot current to his situation as a young man living in a world falling back into “bad habits”. Does he join a zombie military annihilating force? Is the unknown virus mutating and, therefore, creating a new kind of zombie to defeat? What system of governing is there now? What crazy rules have been established? What will Tyler’s role be in bringing order, peace, and humanity back to the world?
I am a grandmother who reads a lot of zombie books. LOL This was definitely one of the better ones. I really enjoyed it.
I’m a great grandfather who loves zombie books and really loved yours. The best I’ve read in a long time.
I took my time reading 900 days and I felt like i was seeing the world through their eyes.
I wish the story didn’t end and felt sad that Jenn died during child birth. I wonder if the next novel will pick up with Tyler (John’s son). How old would Tyler be now if another book was in progress?
This book is wonderfully written and makes you feel that your a part of the story.
As I read and constantly cheered for John and Kyle when they are in dire situations, but got out of it alive, I couldn’t put the book down. I have watched many Zombie movies and find they tend to get boring, but reading a really well written zombie book that holds your attention from beginning to end is a winner.
Grandmother who loves zombie books and the walking dead series. This was one of the best I have read.
I am on a Zombie genre binge and stumbled across your book by chance. What a great find to come across 900 Miles and did not want the story to end. Chapter 14 was haunting, genius, and enough to make me an enamored fan of your writing and future books to come. The story leaps off the page and the characters have enough substance to them to make them a friend and an enemy.
I am an avid romance/chick lit fan. I have only just begun to step into the horror genre. Typically, I usually stay away from zombies, but I’ve read one good book by another author and now I’m hooked. To date 900 miles is the third zombie story I have read. I am pleased to say it was riveting, I didn’t want it to end, and when it did end, I cried. I couldn’t believe that little twist at the end. Your a great storyteller. I can’t wait to read the sequel. I find the whole disaster, end of the world type stories displaying mankind’s resilience and showcasing the best and worst in people fascinating.
Damn, audibled the book. Great story line and the characters were fantastic. Not too much but enough to know them. Getting 900 minutes now. Enjoying your work. This first one, was listened to in one session. Insane, but now I’m marathoning both:) TNJR