I kickstarted the social media push to begin promoting 900 Miles.
If you build it, they most certainly will come…..WITH ALOT OF EFFORT!
With a new theme on this blog, a ramped up Twitter channel and a fresh Facebook page all up and running, I launched them this week by promoting to friends, family and by following a whole bunch of people on Twitter. What have my efforts produced in 3 days?
Blog – the edits I made to the blog knocked me off the first page of Google for the search term Zombie Book. Woops…. I have to figure out what I’ve screwed up. I was getting fairly regular traffic for this term….and now this blog has completely dropped off of Google search results.
Facebook – I have a total of 9 followers as of today. So not terribly impressive, but I think this one will be a slow burner.
Twitter – I have 25 followers, and I feel like this is where I have the most traction. In terms of promotion so far, Twitter allows the best opportunity for bi-directional feedback and conversation.
To net it out after 3-4 days into promotion…..I have a ways to go before I can call any of this a success. You can follow me along – I’ll be posting it all here.
update – as of 11/19, I have 419 Twitter followers. This has been a journey in of itself. I actually think twitter is pretty cool – in that I’ve made a number of friends, and been able to network with other authors, publications, etc. I would highly recommend it as a way for upcoming authors to start to branch our and build buzz for their books!